Bond & Casinos
Casinos & Bond
We are not sure if there is a Casino scene in the forthcoming No Time To Die, however we thought with the new film being released soon (fingers crossed in the UK it will still be 12th November this year) it would be fun to look at the different Casino games that have featured in the movies to date.
We all remember the Poker scene from Casino Royale where Bond makes a straight flush to beat Le Chiffre, however many people do not remember that Bond’s real game of choice was Baccarat. James Bond is featured playing Baccarat in Dr. No, Thunderball, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, For Your Eyes Only and Goldeneye.
For your info. Baccarat also can be known as Chemin de fer is a simple game which lends to the games popularity amongst casino patrons.
Baccarat is a comparing card game played between two hands, the “player” and the “banker.” Each baccarat coup has three possible outcomes: “player” (player has the higher score), “banker,” and “tie.”
Also in fact in the original Casino Royale novel of 1953, it is Baccarat that Bond is playing. So if you want your next James Bond event to be a genuine Bond affair, booking a Baccarat table will lend to the authenticity of your event or birthday party.
So Poker and Baccarat so far, lets add Craps to the mix as seen in Diamonds are Forever with Bond (Connery) and Plenty O’Toole (Lana Wood) – Great line from Bond after he throws a 10 – “I’ll take the full odds on the 10, 200 on the hard way, the limits on all the numbers and 250 on the eleven” – Want to play Craps like Bond – Why not book a Craps Masterclass to learn the game or a Craps table with your Bond theme party.
Backgammon (Not strictly a Casino game) in Octopussy but a great game nonetheless and works really well at a party as a background game for guests to play.
Finally Blackjack featured in Licence to Kill.
We can supply all the games above even a Tournament size Backgammon board plus of course a roulette table often seen in the background as Bond walks through the Casinos.
Add some Casino tables to entertain your guests they really are a must have at any Bond themed party.
For more details view our James Bond Party Theme ideas here, or here for more information on our themed party hire.